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RENEW Los Angeles County final evaluation report

The purpose of the RENEW project is to reduce the risk of obesity among preschool-aged children by focusing on interventions using nutrition and physical activity. The project provides training, coaching, and resources on the principles of good nutrition and physical activity, targeted to preschool providers in L.A. County. It also offers strategies to incorporate materials into the classroom, and to effectively communicate with and support parents in making positive health-related changes at home. The LAUP RENEW Project uniquely focuses on working with preschool providers to promote healthy choices for four-year-old children. The project also seeks to work with adults--namely, with the administrators, teachers, and parents who influence the lives of preschool-aged children the most. The intended outcomes are three-tiered: Short-Term: increase knowledge and awareness of health and wellness policy, and increase knowledge about good principles in nutrition and physical activity. Intermediate: Increase self-perceived ability to implement and support good nutrition and regular physical activity practices. Long-Term: Providers and parents will implement and support good nutrition and regular physical activity practices. In addition, the LAUP RENEW Project leaders hope that the program can serve as a model that can be implemented in all preschools across L.A. County. Figure 1 below is a flowchart of the LAUP Renew Project, demonstrating how it began, its current implementation, and what it intends to become. The study of RENEW L.A. County during its second year of implementation found that preschool providers were knowledgeable about nutrition and physical activity guidelines and policies. It also found that parents are making healthy food and drink choices at home for their preschool children. Even so, numerous aspects of the RENEW program could contribute to increased knowledge of nutrition and physical activity policies among parents, in order to strengthen children's habits when it comes to food and physical activity. (author abstract)
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