Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Approaches to state pre-K eligibility policy: Considerations for policy makers in revising policy to increase access for high needs children

As states seek to expand access to early childhood programs and services for children and families most in need, they are revising eligibility policy and practice with multiple goals in mind. A state's eligibility policy must balance accountability for public funds with the need to provide efficient and flexible processes for program staff in documenting risk factors. Most important, the policy should prevent unintended burdens on families to access services they or their children are eligible to receive. This report provides policy makers with information on state-funded pre-K programs' eligibility policies and the common risk factors used to prioritize enrollment. The report on the risk factors with the strongest impact on children's school readiness is summarized. The report concludes with considerations for policy makers as they review or revise eligibility to serve more children, effectively and efficiently, in high quality early education programs. (author abstract)
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Release: 'v1.62.0' | Built: 2024-05-03 16:33:15 EDT