Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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America after 3PM: Afterschool programs in demand

The report looks at children participating in afterschool programs and children missing out on afterschool opportunities. It examines who is in afterschool programs, the types of activities offered in programs, satisfaction with program quality, and what parents say about the benefits that afterschool programs provide their children and their families. It also provides an overview of those who are unsupervised after school; an overview of children who would be enrolled in an afterschool program if one were available to them; and analyzes differences in the demand for afterschool programs by income, race and ethnicity to examine the opportunity gaps that persist. (author abstract)
Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
Data Collector(s):
United States
State(s)/Territories/Tribal Nation(s):
Alabama; Alaska; Arizona; Arkansas; California; Colorado; Connecticut; Delaware; District of Columbia; Florida; Georgia; Hawaii; Idaho; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Kentucky; Louisiana; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; Montana; Nebraska; Nevada; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; New York; North Carolina; North Dakota; Ohio; Oklahoma; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; South Carolina; South Dakota; Tennessee; Texas; Utah; Vermont; Virginia; Washington; West Virginia; Wisconsin; Wyoming

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