Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Making connections between learning centres and children’s play lives during the COVID-19 pandemic


This project explores children’s engagement in play activities and how caregivers supported their children’s play during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our sample included six primary caregivers (five mothers and one father) of at least one child attending a private, child learning centre in the northeastern United States. Child participants (four boys and one girl) ranged in age between 19 months and five years and five months. Caregivers completed journals that contained children's play activities for a two-week period as well as an open-ended survey (13 questions) that addressed caregiver perceptions of their children’s play, communication with the child’s learning centre staff, and the form of children's play. We found caregivers supported their children's play and were frequent play partners; children played indoors and outdoors; learning centres provided caregivers with useful information and activities; and play helped both children and caregivers cope with the stressors associated with the social isolation due to COVID-19 protocols. (author abstract)

Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
United States

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