Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Sparking Connections: Oklahoma Tribal Connections

The mission of the Oklahoma Tribal Connection is to strengthen the capacity of families, relative providers, and parents in their role as the first and most important teachers of their young children. Participating tribes include Cherokee Nation, Choctaw Nation, United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians, the Eastern Shawnee Tribe and the Delaware Tribe of Indians. These five tribes in Oklahoma, along with the Oklahoma Child Care Resource and Referral Association as the lead agency, participate in the second phase of the Families and Work Institute's National research and demonstration project called Sparking Connections which addresses the quality of family, friends, and neighbor care. The Family and Work Institute focus of the evaluation is a strict process evaluation, and the Child Care Bureau evaluation portion of the project is on outcomes. The five goals and objectives of the project are: (1) strengthening relative providers; (2) parent education and support; (3) partnerships; (4) respecting and preserving culture; and (5) positive outcomes for children. The five objectives are met by each tribe in a different capacity, and each tribe utilizes some or all of the following methods: provider training; newsletters; incentives; home visits; network meetings; resource libraries; focus groups; provision of health and safety equipment; provision of education materials; and cultural components. The report details specific strategies on how each tribe implements processes to improve the quality of relative care, and reviews quality improvement outcomes from Cherokee Nation based on focus groups and written surveys.
Resource Type:
Administration for Children and Families/OPRE Projects
Principal Investigator(s):

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