Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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What do families want?: Findings from a statewide family survey and focus groups

During the fall and winter of 2019-2020, The Massachusetts Partnership for Infants and Toddlers (MPIT) surveyed families of young children (Birth-age 5) across the state. The goal was to learn about families' experiences with early childhood programs and services. What works, what doesn't, what are the barriers to participation, and what would families like to see more of in their communities. These questions were driven primarily by the needs of the state's inter-agency plan Preschool Development Grant Birth–5 (PDG B-5), with the hope that findings would be relevant to all MPIT partners and other early childhood stakeholders. A total of 1,260 families were surveyed, including 33 in Spanish. Surveys were complemented by five focus groups held throughout the state, small sessions with 8-12 parents attending each. (author abstract)
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