Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Parents' and teachers' reflections on the process of daily transitions in an infant and toddler laboratory school


This qualitative study considered values, beliefs, perspectives, and meanings of 7 parents and 3 teachers within the context of daily home-to-child care transitions in one infant-toddler center in an early childhood laboratory school. Sociocultural and attachment theories anchored the study and the developmental niche framework informed methodology. The study gave voice to parents of infants and toddlers and teachers involved in transitions rituals, an approach few studies in the U.S. have taken to date. Naturalistic observations, videotaped transitions, and video-stimulated recall interviews (VSRI) were used with participants. Data were analyzed using constant comparative method, creating vignettes, and ensuring trustworthiness through thick descriptions, triangulation of data, and reflective journaling. Findings include: (a) parents and teachers partnered to create and implement individualized strategies to facilitate transitions, (b) parents and teachers had different perspectives and assigned diverse meanings during transitions, and (c) parents and teachers periodically felt uncertain and concerned about transitions. This study contributes new knowledge to the early childhood education field by revealing some ways parents and teachers experience transitions through juxtaposing and weaving together their thoughts and feelings. Implications include use of methodologies that make visible relational and pedagogical aspects of transitions and insights for professional development. (author abstract)

Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
United States

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