Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Attributes of Effective Head Start Mental Health Consultants: A Mixed Method Study of Rural and Urban Programs

In collaboration with Head Start programs in Oregon and Alaska, Portland State University will seek to better understand the skills and attributes of rural and urban mental health consultants that contribute to the effectiveness of mental health consultation in Head Start programs. The study will seek to answer the following questions: (a) what attributes of mental health consultants are most strongly associated with teacher reported effectiveness of mental health consultation for improving child outcomes in rural and urban Head Start programs? (b) what attributes of mental health consultants are most strongly associated with teacher reports of the quality of mental health consultant and staff relationships in rural and urban Head Start programs? (c) what are early childhood mental health consultants' perceptions of how to best develop relationships with staff in rural and urban Head Start programs? (d) what are mental health consultants' perceptions of the professional skills, attributes, and supports needed to build positive relationships with staff and to produce positive consultation outcomes in rural and urban Head Start programs? and (e) what are the challenges and barriers to providing mental health consultation in rural areas? A secondary analysis of data from a national survey of 648 Head Start staff and 68 mental health consultants will be conducted to explore the attributes of consultants in rural and urban Head Start programs. Additionally telephone focus groups will be conducted to determine urban and rural mental health consultants' perceptions of the skills, attributes, and supports needed to build positive relationships with Head Start staff. Results of the study are expected to enhance the early childhood mental health consultation services provided by both rural and urban Head Start programs.
Resource Type:
Administration for Children and Families/OPRE Projects
Principal Investigator(s):
Research Scholar(s):

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