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Securing the future of New York's children: Taking the next steps toward truly universal prekindergarten

The Campaign for Educational Equity (CEE) and the Center for Children's Initiatives' (CCI) new proposal, Securing the Future of New York's Children: Taking the Next Steps Toward Truly Universal Prekindergarten, recognizes the bold steps New York made in 2014, builds on the most promising elements of the state's pre-K efforts, and -- adapting the roadmap our two organizations released last year -- lays out a detailed year-by-year plan for fully financing a coherent statewide pre-K system to recognize pre-K as a core educational service. (author abstract)
Resource Type:
Fact Sheets & Briefs
United States

Related resources include summaries, versions, measures (instruments), or other resources in which the current document plays a part. Research products funded by the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation are related to their project records.

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Release: 'v1.61.0' | Built: 2024-04-23 23:03:38 EDT