Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Securing the future of New York's children: Taking the next steps toward truly universal prekindergarten

With the strong leadership of Governor Andrew Cuomo, solid support from the state legislature, the Regents, and the New York State Education Department, and the unwavering commitment of Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City, New York State has made significant strides over the past year in expanding access to high-quality full-day prekindergarten across the state. With this important momentum and committed leaders, the state is now in a position to make prekindergarten truly universal. But to do so, several aspects of the existing legislation must be modified, and the funding system must be stabilized at an adequate level. To show how to accomplish this, the Center for Children's Initiatives (CCI) and the Campaign for Educational Equity at Teachers College (CEE) have revised the statewide roadmap for "Making Prekindergarten Truly Universal in New York" that we originally published in October 2013. We incorporate the new funding and quality standards initiatives that the governor and the legislature adopted this year and propose the modifications and reforms that are now needed to merge these advances into a coherent, sustainable, universal system. (author abstract)
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Securing the future of New York's children: Taking the next steps toward truly universal prekindergarten

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