Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Supporting early childhood special education personnel for itinerant service delivery through a state-level technical assistance project

An itinerant service delivery model takes early intervention and special education services to environments where young children with disabilities participate in their communities. Reconciliation of the mismatch that often occurs between recommended and actual practice requires support at all levels of the service delivery system, including professional development systems. The purpose of this article is to reflect on the use of a state-level technical assistance project as it relates to support and training for the provision of itinerant ECSE service. Those who provide professional development activities have a responsibility to ensure they apply research-based, adult learning principles that will effectively expand the knowledge and skills of those they seek to support and train. This article discusses the results of focus groups that were held to gather information related to training and supports early childhood professionals believed they would need to implement itinerant models that better reflected recommended practices. (author abstract)
Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
United States

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