Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Live-learn: The powerful combination of affordable housing and affordable high-quality early childhood education


High-quality housing and child care are two necessary components of a child’s healthy development that should be available to every family, but have become increasingly unrealistic for most to afford. Though steps have been taken to address these two urgent issues, there have been few initiatives that seek to remedy both at the same time. In accordance with several other child care providers across the country, SproutFive is partnering with developers to co-locate high-quality child care centers in affordable housing communities. Known as “live-learn”, SproutFive’s holistic approach to affordable housing and early education will provide families with a sense of economic stability so that they may invest in themselves and their young children. In doing this, SproutFive is pushing the city of Columbus toward a more equitable future–one that supports and empowers those who need it most. (author abstract)

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