Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Child Care and Early Education Glossary

The child care & early education glossary defines terms used to describe aspects of child care and early education practice and policy; the research glossary defines terms used in conducting social science and policy research, for example those describing methods, measurements, statistical procedures, and other aspects of research.

Social Impact Bonds (SIB)
An innovative financial tool, sometimes referred to as "Pay for Success" financing, that enables government agencies to pay for programs that deliver results. In a SIB agreement, the government sets a specific, measurable outcome that it wants achieved in a population and promises to pay an external organization/intermediary if, and only if, the organization accomplishes the desired outcome. Through SIBs, investors provide the working capital for the external organization to hire and manage social service providers. Then, if the deliverables are met, the government releases an agreed-upon sum of money to the external organization, which then repays its investors with a return for taking on the upfront risk.
Social-Emotional Development
Refers to the development process whereby children learn to identify and understand their own feelings, accurately read and comprehend emotional states in others, manage and express strong emotions in constructive manners, regulate their behavior, develop empathy for others, and establish and maintain relationships.
Special Education
Instruction that is designed to meet the unique needs of children who have identified learning differences or disabilities. To be eligible for special education services, the child's disability must adversely affect his or her educational performance and require specially designed instruction that cannot be addressed through general education classes alone, with or without individual accommodations. Per the IDEA, special education and related services are provided at no cost to families, and can include special instruction in the classroom, at home, in hospitals, or in other institutions or settings. See related: IEP; IFSP; Special Needs; ECSE.
Special Needs
A term used to describe a child with an identified learning disability or physical or mental health condition requiring Special Education services, or other specialized services and supports. See related: Early Intervention (EI), IEP; IFSP; Special Needs.  
State Advisory Councils on Early Childhood Education and Care (SACs)
Federally funded state-level advisory councils charged with developing high Quality, comprehensive early care and education systems and ensuring statewide coordination and collaboration with existing early childhood programs and services. SACs were authorized by the Improving Head Start Readiness Act of 2007, and funded through the ARRA of 2009.
An approach to equity in early childhood education that focuses on, and is responsive to, children’s and families' unique strengths, diverse learning styles, interests, linguistic and cultural backgrounds, etc.
Structural Quality
Refers to the features of an early childhood setting that affect children's development, which can typically be regulated by licensing and regulatory agencies. Aspects of Structural Quality include Adult Child Ratios, group sizes, and staff education and training requirements.
Subsidized Child Care
Child care that is at least partially funded by public or charitable resources to decrease the cost to families.
Private or public assistance that reduces the cost of child care for families.
Subsidy Take-Up Rates
The rate at which eligible families use child care subsidies. Due to limited funding or waiting lists, not all eligible families may have access to subsidies.
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