Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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OKFutures strategic plan

This plan is the product of a federal Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five (PDG B-5) awarded to OPSR by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families (ACF) in December 2018. The plan was heavily informed by the OKFutures Needs Assessment, which was also funded under the PDG B-5 grant (Greenberg et al. 2020). The two documents go hand in hand. The needs assessment aided our understanding of the gaps and inefficiencies in existing early childhood care and education (ECCE), family supports, and health systems, so we can ensure all families, especially those who are vulnerable, underserved, or in rural areas, have equitable access to a high-quality mixed-delivery system that supports their overall health, development, and learning. Fulfilling the goals and objectives articulated in this plan will maximize choices for families; implement best practices and other resources across ECCE, family, and health providers to increase program quality, collaboration, effectiveness, and efficiency; and develop a cohesive system of care. (author abstract)
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Release: 'v1.77.0' | Built: 2024-05-14 14:23:10 EDT