Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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The child care & early education glossary defines terms used to describe aspects of child care and early education practice and policy; the research glossary defines terms used in conducting social science and policy research, for example those describing methods, measurements, statistical procedures, and other aspects of research.

Child Development
The process by which children acquire skills in the areas of social, emotional, intellectual, speech and language, and physical development, including fine and gross motor skills. Developmental stages describe the expected, sequential order of gaining skills and competencies that children typically acquire. See related: Developmental Milestones; Approaches to Learning.
Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential
A widely earned Credential administered by the Council for Professional Recognition.
Child Protective Services (CPS)
An official public agency responsible for receiving and investigating reports of suspected child abuse or neglect and for ensuring that prevention and intervention services are provided.
A relationship-based process led by an expert with specialized knowledge and adult learning Competencies that is designed to build capacity for or enhance specific professional dispositions, skills and behaviors. Coaching is typically offered to teaching and administrative staff, either by in-house or outside coaches, and focuses on goal-setting and achievement. See related: Consultation; Technical Assistance.
Community-Based Child Care/Community-Based Organization (CBO)
A nonprofit organization that provides educational or related services to children and families within their local community. CBOs that provide child care may be associated with faith-based organizations or other nonprofit organizations. CBOs are subject to section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. See related: Center-based Child Care.
Competencies [refers to Workforce Knowledge or Core Competencies]
Refers to the range of knowledge and observable skills that early childhood practitioners need to provide effective services to children and families. Competencies, sometimes referred to as "core competencies," are typically linked with states' early learning guidelines and provide a framework for Professional Development at various career stages.
Comprehensive Services
An array of coordinated services that meet the holistic needs of children and families enrolled in a given program, from health and developmental screenings to family literacy trainings and parent education.
A collaborative, problem-solving process between an external consultant with specific expertise and adult learning Competencies and an individual or group. Consultation typically facilitates the assessment and resolution of an issue-specific concern, a program-/organizational-, staff-, or child-/family-related issue, or addresses a specific topic. See related: Coaching; Technical Assistance.
Continuing Education Unit (CEU)
Refers to credits that early childhood professionals earn by demonstrating that they have attended training/Professional Development and can understand and apply what they have learned. CEUs are often regarded as a bridge between In-Service Training and college credit.
Continuity of Care
Refers to the provision of care to children by consistent caregivers in consistent environments over a period of time to ensure stable and nurturing environments. Research shows that maintaining continuity and limiting transitions in a child's first few years of life promotes the type of deep human connections that young children need for optimal early brain development, emotional regulation, and learning.
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