Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Parent and teacher perceptions of the parent–teacher relationship and child self-regulation in preschool: Variations by child race


Parent–teacher relationships are an important but understudied aspect of children’s preschool experience. One important gap is understanding how parent–teacher relationships influence aspects related to school readiness, such as child self-regulation. Understanding this relationship can help highlight areas of intervention that can improve educational experience for children and improve school readiness. Leveraging a sample of Latino and Black preschoolers, the current study will explore the relationship between parent–teacher relationships and self-regulation (as reported by both parents and teachers) through regression and moderation models that adjusted for clustering at the classroom-level. Results indicate that despite incongruence in teacher and parent reports of child self-regulation, both parents’ and teachers’ reports of the-student–teacher relationship predicted their perceptions of child self-regulation. Although cell sizes were small, race moderated the relationship between teacher-reported child self-regulation and teacher-reported parent–teacher relationship, where higher-quality parent–teacher relationships were related to lower perceived problems in self-regulation for Black children but not Latino children. The findings in this study highlight the differences in teacher and parent perceptions of the parent–teacher relationship and self-regulation for Black and Latino preschoolers. Each finding will be described in detail with an eye towards implications, intervention, and replication with larger samples. (author abstract)

Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
United States

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