Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Caring in a time of pandemic: Will Maryland's child care survive COVID-19?

In January of 2021, MFN followed up with the same child care providers to find out how they are faring now and received a total response rate of 28 percent. The current survey data indicates that 79 percent say they have experienced a financial loss due to the COVID-19. That number increased from 67 percent back in April of 2020. On average child care programs report paying out $5,339 per month for personal protective equipment, enhanced cleaning routines, and other pandemic related costs to keep children and staff safe. Forty nine percent of child care programs predict that they may close for good if parents must keep children home for another six months. (author abstract)
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Release: 'v1.77.0' | Built: 2024-05-14 14:23:10 EDT