Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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The Nebraska COVID-19 Early Care and Education Provider Survey highlights: Perspectives of child care providers

The Nebraska COVID-19 Early Care and Education Provider Survey was designed to capture the perspectives of those providing early care and education in the early days of the pandemic. The goal of the survey was to identify provider needs and policy recommendations that could respond to those needs. Two primary questions were addressed: 1. How are early care and education providers experiencing the effects of COVID-19? 2. Based on providers' experiences, what are some urgent needs and policy recommendations? Composed of 12 multiple-response items and one open-ended item, the survey was released on March 20, 2020 via multiple social media channels, partner organizations, and agencies. Within a week, 2,100 responses were received from professionals representing a variety of roles in early care and education. More than 750 providers responded to the prompt to "share any information or concerns you may have about the effects of the coronavirus on your child care program/business." (author abstract)
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Release: 'v1.71.0' | Built: 2024-05-10 23:50:28 EDT