Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Lessons from the CCSA COVID-19 Relief Fund: Planning for the future


In June 2021, CCSA reached out to all child care programs that were awarded Phase II CCSA COVID-19 Relief Fund grants and interviewed administrators at 17 of the 41 programs (41 percent). We received a higher response rate than expected. We anticipated speaking to eight programs (20 percent) because child care program administrators are very busy, and a year had passed since child care programs applied for the grant. The high response rate may indicate child care programs are eager to share their stories. Throughout the interviews, grantees remarked on the stress and challenges of the past year and expressed the gratitude they felt that CCSA acknowledged their contributions to communities and families during the COVID-19 pandemic. This report discusses key themes that emerged from the interviews, with a focus on the impact of CCSA COVID-19 Relief Fund Phase II grants on child care programs, how grantees are faring one year after applying for funds, and grantees’ plans moving forward. (author abstract)

Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
United States
State(s)/Territories/Tribal Nation(s):
North Carolina

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