Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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The challenges facing families of young children during the coronavirus pandemic: Findings from Virginia


This winter, nearly 7,000 Virginia parents and guardians of children 0-5 completed a survey about their experiences during the pandemic. This brief describes families’ concerns related to their employment and financial stability, their ability to manage caregiving and work responsibilities, and their children’s learning and wellbeing. The brief also explores differences in families’ concerns by their income level and their child’s race as systemic barriers and discrimination may exacerbate challenges for families in poverty and families of color. Overall, findings indicate high levels of stress and worry in all three areas, especially among low-income families, Black families, and Hispanic families. These differences by income and race suggest that the pandemic may have heightened existing inequities in families’ financial stability and overall wellbeing. (author abstract)

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Reports & Papers
United States
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Release: 'v1.71.0' | Built: 2024-05-10 23:50:28 EDT