Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Teaching young children during COVID-19: Lessons from early educators in Louisiana


Much has been written about the impact of COVID-19 on teaching and learning in K-12 education, including the challenges of remote learning and increasing educational inequities, but there has been less focus on how COVID-19 has altered teaching and learning in ECE. Children’s early learning experiences shape their skills at kindergarten entry and can have lasting effects. Understanding how COVID-19 impacted the experiences and learning of the youngest learners is vital as the nation begins to recover from the pandemic and teachers work to meet children’s individual needs in the classroom. This report aims to fill this gap using survey data from 518 teachers working with children ages 3-5 in child care centers and school-based settings in Louisiana. It describes the impact of COVID-19 on teaching and learning in ECE classrooms and highlights differences depending on whether teachers were teaching primarily in person versus remotely (e.g., through online class meetings, video lessons, or learning packets sent home) or in a hybrid of remote and in person teaching. (author abstract)

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Reports & Papers
United States
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