Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Preschool teachers’ emotional exhaustion in relation to classroom instruction and teacher-child interactions


The present investigation examined the links between preschool teachers’ self-reported emotional exhaustion (n = 117) with the quality of their classroom interactions and the dosage and rigor of their instruction. Research Findings: Although teachers’ experience of emotional exhaustion was not associated with the dosage and rigor of instruction, more emotionally exhausted teachers demonstrated lower quality interactions with children in their classroom. Additionally, there was some evidence to suggest that the association between emotional exhaustion and preschool teachers’ classroom interactions was dependent on their years of education, such that the relation between teachers’ education and their interactions with children was reduced when they described themselves as more emotionally exhausted. Practice or Policy: Taken together, these results suggest that supporting preschool teachers’ well-being, and in particular helping minimize emotional exhaustion, maybe a beneficial strategy to foster a higher quality classroom environment. (author abstract)

Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
United States

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