Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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California's early learning and care providers: Essential workers who need support


To further understand the challenges faced by early educators and caregivers, the American Institutes for Research (AIR) and Early Edge California conducted seven focus groups in May with 32 Early Learning providers (including administrators, teachers, and caregivers) who work in a variety of settings (school-based; center-based; Head Start; State Preschool; family child care homes; and family, friend and neighbor care) across the state. Most providers from center- and school-based programs, whether publicly funded or private-pay, told us they were closed for the direct provision of on-site care while the state was under stay-at-home orders. However, some centers, family child care (FCC) homes, and family, friend, and neighbor (FFN) care providers reported that they are serving families of essential workers and other at-risk populations. Regardless, all sites reported providing supports to families through some form of communication, distance learning, or other assistance, such as connecting families to resources. (author abstract)

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Release: 'v1.65.0' | Built: 2024-05-06 12:56:44 EDT