Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Providing comprehensive services to infants and toddlers and their families: Findings from the National Descriptive Study of Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships

This brief draws on data from the national descriptive study of EHS-CC Partnerships to describe the range of services offered to children in both partnership and nonpartnership slots and their families. This brief addresses the following questions: - What comprehensive services did EHS-CC Partnerships offer to children enrolled in partnership slots and their families? - To what extent did EHS-CC Partnerships offer comprehensive services to children in nonpartnership slots and their families? - Who provides comprehensive services to children and families in EHS-CC Partnerships? That is, does the child care or EHS partner provide services directly to children and families, or does the EHS-CC Partnership refer children and families to services that community partners provide? - To what extent did child care partners report offering comprehensive services before engaging in the EHS-CC Partnership grant? (author abstract)
Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
United States

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