Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Preschoolers' selective sustained attention and numeracy skills and knowledge

This brief report addresses preschoolers' selective sustained attention (SSA) and early numeracy skills and knowledge. Past research indicates that children's attention and early numeracy are positively associated, yet some concerns have emerged about the age appropriateness of tools used to measure preschoolers' SSA. This study used a new measure--the Track-It Task--that demonstrates strong psychometric properties. In total, 31 at-risk preschoolers ([mean age] = 46.6 months) participated and were assessed on SSA, nonsymbolic quantity discrimination, and symbolic quantitative skills and knowledge. The ability to sustain attention in the face of distractions was positively correlated with preschoolers' verbal counting and one-to-one correspondence, Arabic numeral recognition, and cardinal principle knowledge. SSA was not significantly associated with child age or performance on a memory task. This study provides preliminary evidence that SSA may facilitate the process whereby young children become reliable counters and learn that the symbol system of numbers represents specific quantities. (author abstract)
Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
United States

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