Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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A quasi-experiment examining expressive and receptive vocabulary knowledge of preschool Head Start children using mobile media apps

This study examined the efficacy of using different types of mobile media apps to increase the receptive and expressive vocabulary development of 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old preschool children living in economically disadvantaged communities. Children and teachers in four Head Start classrooms participated in the quasi-experimental study, which included an 8-week intervention in which the children interacted with one of two types of apps: one classroom used four scaffolding-like vocabulary apps for an average of 1.8 h per day (n = 16) and one classroom used four open-ended vocabulary apps for an average of 1.3 h per day (n = 15). Two classrooms served as comparison groups (n = 18; n = 14) which used apps that were chosen by the Head Start program with no specific instructional method for approximately 1 h per day. Children's vocabulary was assessed pre- and post-intervention using the PPVT-4, the EVT-2, and iPad Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary Assessments. Using a repeated measures analysis of variance with split plot analysis, children who used scaffolding-like vocabulary apps performed statistically significantly higher on the PPVT-4 than children who used open-ended vocabulary apps. There were no significant differences between groups on the EVT-2. The study contributed to the literature on teacher instruction of utilizing scaffolding-like apps to increase preschool vocabulary knowledge. (author abstract)
Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
United States

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