Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Assessing the research on home visiting program models implemented in tribal communities: Part 2: Lessons learned about implementation and evaluation

To assess the evidence of effectiveness of culturally relevant models that have been implemented in tribal communities, HomVEE conducted a systematic review focusing specifically on studies relevant to tribal communities. The tribal review process and findings are available in the Assessing the Research on Home Visiting Program Models Implemented in Tribal Communities--Part 1: Evidence of Effectiveness report on the HomVEE website ( The original tribal review was conducted in fall 2010, and the report was released in February 2011 as a single document. The report was updated annually through 2014. This most recent revision segments the original report into two parts and updates it to include studies identified by HomVEE search strategies as of a literature search conducted in early 2016. This report begins by describing the strategies studies reported for adapting or developing culturally relevant home visiting models, the challenges experienced in delivering home visiting services and conducting evaluation research in tribal communities, and lessons learned across the 76 studies identified in the HomVEE tribal review (see Mraz Esposito et al., 2017), with a focus on cultural relevance and implementation. Then, it discusses challenges to conducting evaluations in tribal communities. The report closes with considerations for supporting program implementation in tribal communities and for strengthening research on tribal home visiting programs. (author abstract)
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