Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Parents' Emotional Awareness and Childrearing Practices: Implications for Low-Income Children's Social Emotional Competence

This study is designed to examine relations among low-income parents' awareness of their emotions, dimensions of their specific emotion-related childrearing practices (including discipline, parent involvement, and consistency), children's emotional knowledge, and children's social emotional competence. The study will focus on those childrearing practices that are positively associated with children's social emotional competence, including emotional support, involvement, and consistency. Researchers hypothesize that children who demonstrate a high understanding of emotion and whose parents have a supporting emotion coaching style will show greater emotional competence than children with a low understanding of emotion and whose parents have a non-supportive emotion coaching style. In addition, parents who report themselves as high on emotional awareness will use supportive versus non-supportive or mixed emotion-coaching styles. Participants include 90 caregivers and children drawn from two Head Start programs. These participants represent a subsample of a larger randomized clinical trial funded by a Head Start-University Partnership grant. Pre-test data collected during this project will be used and analyzed in this study, including information from parent interviews, child assessments, and teacher reports of children's behavior. The measures used in this study were adapted for this specific population and tap into specific emotion-related childrearing practices. Study results are expected to influence the design of more effective preventive interventions that promote low-income children's social-emotional competence and enhance knowledge concerning the dimensions and role of emotion-related childrearing practices and care giving of low-income, minority families.
Resource Type:
Administration for Children and Families/OPRE Projects
Principal Investigator(s):
Research Scholar(s):

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