Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Parallel Processes in a Residential Parenting Program for Incarcerated Mothers and their Babies: An Early Head Start, Department of Corrections, University of Washington Research Partnership

The University of Washington, along with Early Head Start (EHS) and the Department of Corrections (DOC), will develop a partnership and use a Participatory Action Research approach to study similarities and differences in professionals' and incarcerated mothers' discourse; the infants' experiences; factors that hinder desired outcomes; and parallel processes of change from both bottom-up and top-down perspectives. The study will seek to answer the following questions: (a) Will Puget Sound Education Service District EHS (PSESD-EHS), DOC, incarcerated caregivers, incarcerated and released mothers and their infants join the study and remain engaged in a participatory action research approach throughout the course of the study? (b) What kinds of beliefs and experiences surround the infants, incarcerated mothers, incarcerated caregivers, PSESD-EHS staff, and DOC staff in the Residential Parenting Program (RPP)? (c) How do these beliefs and experiences impact RPP, and the lives and interactions of the infants, incarcerated mothers, incarcerated caregivers, PSESD-EHS staff, and DOC staff? (d) What are the similarities and differences in situated meanings manifested in the stories, discussions, and/or interactions of incarcerated women who are mothers and caregivers for the infants in RPP, PSESD-EHS and DOC staff who work with them? and, (e) What lessons, from both bottom-up and top-down perspectives in the RPP, will be learned about processes of growth and change in the RPP? Study participants will include infants living in the RPP, their incarcerated mothers and caregivers, DOC personnel, and PSESD-EHS staff. This project will be the first step towards engaging additional collaborators and launching a longitudinal, prospective, mixed methods study of the effects of reflective, relationship-focused, residential services for incarcerated woman and their young children.
Resource Type:
Administration for Children and Families/OPRE Projects
Principal Investigator(s):
Research Scholar(s):

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