Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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An investigation of parenting traits, parenting behaviors, and children's social competence in a sample of Chinese Head Start families

This study will focus on Chinese families, and how Chinese cultural values shape parenting and children's social competence. The overarching purpose of this study is to provide a deeper understanding of the cultural context of parenting and the implications for low-income, Chinese children's social competence, while taking into account important within-group variability. From a culturally-relevant framework, this study will be focused upon how parents' Interpersonal Relatedness (as measured by the Cultural (Chinese) Personality Assessment Inventory-2, a standardized measure of personality traits relevant to the Chinese culture) shapes and influences parenting behaviors (as emphasized by Western formulations, e.g. Baumrind, as well as by parenting behaviors that characterize Chinese parenting), and their relation to children's social-emotional competence. The proposed project will 1) identify variability within Chinese parenting practices; 2) describe within-group variation of individual personality traits of Chinese parents; 3) describe the relationship between Chinese parents' traits, Chinese parenting practices, and children's social competence; and 4) test a model where Chinese parenting practices mediate the relationship between Chinese parents' traits and children's social competence. Results from this study will be relevant for building the cultural competence of Head Start staff to provide culturally-relevant services (e.g., culturally-informed parenting programs) to Chinese families.
Resource Type:
Administration for Children and Families/OPRE Projects
Principal Investigator(s):
Research Scholar(s):

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