Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Identifying Risk for and Preventing Child Maltreatment in Early Head Start Families

The proposed study will examine how families' participation in Early Head Start can lead to reduced likelihood of child maltreatment and the reduction of associated risk factors. Specifically the study will address current gaps in literature on early intervention and prevention of child abuse and neglect by (1) examining how participation in four Early Head Start components is related to the reduction of risk factors associated with child maltreatment, the prevention of child maltreatment, and reduction of problems that lead to out-of-home placement after maltreatment has occurred; (2) examining the relationship between presence of risk and court-substantiated maltreatment; (3) examining how change in risk relates to parent's progress in alleviating out-of-home placement of their children and their ability to maintain parental rights; and (4) explaining how Early Head Start engages and retains families so potentially preventative interventions can be delivered. The long-term goal of the study is to provide Early Head Start administrators, practitioners, and policymakers with information necessary to develop and provide early intervention and program components in a manner that reduces risk and prevents child maltreatment. Study results will also contribute to the efforts of Early Head Start and other home visitation programs to reduce child maltreatment for infant and toddlers, as well as support young children's development of social, emotional, and cognitive competence.
Resource Type:
Administration for Children and Families/OPRE Projects
Principal Investigator(s):
Research Scholar(s):

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