Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Quality at scale: Supporting sustainable, high-quality early care and education: Reimagining state policy

A growing number of policymakers at all levels of government are focused on closing the achievement gap and preparing all children to succeed in school and life by starting with the early years. Many of these leaders have worked to build statewide early care and education (ECE) systems; crafting linkages among the governmental bodies responsible for finance and accountability, including licensing, monitoring, quality rating; professional development, training and technical assistance; family engagement, and so forth. Taking steps to align government systems is essential. But attaining results will require intentional work aimed at building similar, linked systems among service providers. Without the management strategies and infrastructure needed to draw funding from multiple sources, provide on-going instructional leadership supports for teachers and family child care providers, and offer comprehensive services (either directly or via referral) to children and their families, many programs will struggle to effectively improve child outcomes. Unfortunately, multiple policy barriers make attaining this goal a challenge. This paper will identify those barriers and explore ways that states can both incentivize and support Shared Services for the early care and education sector, a framework for system-building at the provider level, as a way to strengthen the quality and impact of ECE services. (author abstract)
Resource Type:
United States

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