Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Summary of findings: Longitudinal outcomes of LAUP alumni


Previous research has demonstrated positive long-term effects of participation in preschool programs, and these effects are especially likely to appear on measures of academic outcomes. To investigate the long-term effects of attending an LAUP preschool, LAUP's Research & Evaluation Department requested the demographics and standardized test scores of second- and third-graders from multiple school districts, and compared data from LAUP alumni to data from students who had not attended LAUP. Our sample population was drawn from seven public school districts. We received data for 50,052 students in the second grade (283 LAUP, 48,072 nonLAUP), and received data for 46,441 students in the third grade (1539 LAUP, 46,441 non-LAUP). Although specific findings varied by school district, on average, children who had attended LAUP performed as well as or better than their peers on measures of academic outcomes. These findings suggest that attendance at a highquality LAUP preschool can help to mitigate the negative academic effects associated with a low-income childhood. (author abstract)

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