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ASPIRE (CARES Plus) final evaluation report, program year 2015-16

The Los Angeles Universal Preschool (LAUP) ASPIRE program served as the CARES Plus program for Los Angeles County. The ASPIRE program supported the completion of permits, coursework, and degrees, and the increased quality of teaching practices of early childhood education (ECE) professionals. To reach these outcomes, the ASPIRE program offered one-on-one advisement, online Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) trainings, video coaching on classroom practices through My Teaching Partner (MTP), and financial incentives to participants. In addition, the ASPIRE program collaborated with other organizations and institutions of higher education in Los Angeles County through the Los Angeles County Early Care and Education Workforce Consortium. The collaboration between the ASPIRE program and the Workforce Consortium focused on developing a more coordinated and effective professional development system for early childhood educators. The anticipated long-term impacts of the ASPIRE program, as well as the larger Workforce Consortium, were that early childhood education professionals in Los Angeles County would be better equipped to deliver highquality services to children and families, and would experience greater rates of career advancement and retention in the field as a result of their qualifications. The ASPIRE program was funded through grants from First 5 California (First 5 CA) and First 5 Los Angeles (First 5 LA). Methods This evaluation summarizes the program and participant outcomes, and poses recommendations for future programs based on information gathered during the 2015-16 program year. (author abstract)
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