Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Recognize and report: Child care providers have the power to prevent child abuse: A white paper of regulatory recommendations [Executive summary]


This is a summary of an examination focusing on child care providers as mandated reporters in California that lays out the issue, including the lack of required mandated reporter training for child care providers, the barriers to reporting maltreatment, and the challenges of navigating the reporting process. A solution in the form of required comprehensive child abuse prevention and mandated reporter training is discussed, including a look at the components, benefits, and cost of training and a model from recent legislation.

Resource Type:
Executive Summary

Related resources include summaries, versions, measures (instruments), or other resources in which the current document plays a part. Research products funded by the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation are related to their project records.

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Recognize and report: Child care providers have the power to prevent child abuse: A white paper of regulatory recommendations


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