Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Equity starts early: How chiefs will build high-quality early education: A policy statement of the Council of Chief State School Officers

Despite years of diligent work to promote equal educational opportunities, early learning programs are still limited in most states and disparities in academic achievement still threaten the lifetime potential of far too many children. Chiefs recognize that real education reform begins in the critical early years, from birth through third grade. The recommendations we outline in Equity Starts Early represent essential steps we can take to ensure all children get off to a strong start. We know that families play a critical role in children's development and that children do best when parents and educators work together to support learning at home and school. Pathways that connect early childhood education from birth through third grade ensure developmentally appropriate scaffolding that best prepares children for the future. Finally, a focus on improvement and innovation helps us to continuously consider options that might better meet ever-changing student needs and educational resources. (author abstract)
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