Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Transmedia meets the digital divide: Adapting transmedia approaches to reach underserved Hispanic families

Hispanic children are the least likely of any group to attend preschool programs and, too often, many enter kindergarten without the readiness skills of their peers. Few catch up. As a federal Ready to Learn grantee, Hispanic Information & Telecommunications Network (HITN) designed and distributed transmedia learning resources to promote school readiness, but first had to understand and address five critical lessons: (1) the ethnic, economic, social, and educational diversity among Hispanics; (2) the central role of extended families and the impact of this on designing content; (3) the importance of personal relationships in engaging families; (4) variable digital access and its impact on development and distribution; and (5) the great need for physical learning resources. By addressing these, HITN found viable ways to use transmedia content and help engage parents in supporting their children's school readiness and entering kindergarten on a level playing field with their peers. (author abstract)
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