Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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From research to evidence-based practice: An account of the scientific implementation of dialogic buddy reading

The research to practice rift is apparent as evidence-based practices remain outside the "real world" of schools. In this study we create and implement a program capitalizing on the research in dialogic reading (DR), a shared reading protocol used by adults with young children. The study employed a single subject design to examine the implementation of a modified version of DR in a Head Start classroom, whereby sixth-grade student use the DR protocol as they read with the pre-school students. Fidelity to the major components of DR was considered in the design, training, and implementation phases of the adapted protocol in this authentic context. Visual analysis of observation data is discussed using systems theory; indicating DBR can be implemented with varying levels of fidelity. Therefore, evidence-based practices can transfer to the "real world" of schools provided that rigorous implementation and constructive use of fidelity measures are present within a well-defined, responsive system leading to continuous enhancement. (author abstract)
Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
United States

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