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Utah UPSTART education program evaluation kindergarten outcomes: Program impacts on reading proficiency: Cohort 1/Year 1 results: Technical report

Established as a pilot demonstration project by the Utah state legislature, UPSTART uses educational technology in a home-based approach to develop the school readiness skills of preschool children. A majority (56%) of the 1,248 preschool children enrolled in the first year of UPSTART were from low-income families. The evaluation of UPSTART's first year of implementation was specifically designed to assess the program's impact on developing the children's reading proficiency once they enrolled in kindergarten. Other objectives included documenting the extent to which participants used the computerized curriculum; establishing the relationship between curriculum usage and reading proficiency outcomes; and documenting the program's completion or "graduation" rate. (author abstract)
Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
United States
State(s)/Territories/Tribal Nation(s):

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