Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Determinants of subsidy stability and child care continuity: Final report for the Illinois-New York child care research partnership [Executive summary]

Despite a growing awareness of subsidy instability, knowledge remains limited regarding its determinants and how families and their child care providers respond to a break in program enrollment. In an effort to address this knowledge gap and to support policy efforts to improve the design and delivery of child care assistance to low-income families, researchers from the University of Chicago and the Urban Institute partnered with state child care administrators in Illinois and New York to conduct a study examining the factors that contribute to instability in families' receipt of child care subsidies and how this instability may affect the continuity of their care arrangements. This mixed-methods multiyear (2010-14) study, known as the Illinois-New York Child Care Research Partnership Study (IL-NY CCRP): Phase 1, analyzed the subsidy and child care experiences of a new cohort of subsidy clients residing in four diverse sites in Illinois and New York that represent both large and small urban centers and both rural and suburban counties. The study used longitudinal state administrative data of child care payment records in combination with newly collected subsidy client data from telephone surveys and in-depth qualitative interviews. This research report discusses key findings from the administrative and survey components of the study; a companion report, Determinants of Subsidy Stability and Child Care Continuity: Findings from the Qualitative Substudy of the Illinois-New York Child Care Research Partnership, presents key findings from the qualitative study component. (author abstract)
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Executive Summary

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