Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Early care and education partnerships: A review of the literature [Executive summary]

The purpose of this literature review, conducted as part of the Study of Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships, was to assess the current knowledge base for early care and education (ECE) partnerships, highlight promising models or components of models for these partnerships, and identify gaps in the research. The literature review examined the following five research questions: 1. What are the characteristics or components of ECE partnerships? 2. What are the potential benefits of ECE partnerships to programs, providers, and families? 3. What are common barriers to forming and sustaining ECE partnerships? 4. What factors may facilitate ECE partnerships (such as funding supports, policies and procedures, technical assistance, or other infrastructure supports)? What are promising models or features of partnerships that the research literature suggests have the potential to improve quality and support child development and family well-being? 5. What are the gaps in the existing literature? (author abstract)
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Executive Summary

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