Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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The effects of a comprehensive early literacy project on preschoolers' language and literacy skills

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a federally funded early literacy project that aimed to promote the school readiness skills of preschool-age children from low income families. Through daily, explicit, and systematic instruction, the project targeted to improve preschoolers' oral language skills, phonological awareness, print awareness, and alphabet knowledge that aligned with the existing curriculum of the local school district. Data were collected through multiple sources at the individual child level, classroom level, and from the family/home environment. Significant gains were found between pre- and post-tests in child outcomes, classroom environments, instructional practices, parent attitudes toward early literacy, and family involvement in literacy activities. Additionally, classroom organization was identified as a significant predictor for children's receptive language skills. Limitations of the current study and implications for future research as well as instructional practices were discussed. (author abstract)
Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
United States

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