Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Language skills as predictors of social skills and behaviors in preschool children


The purpose of this study was to investigate whether language skills can predict teacher reports of social skills (empathy and assertion) and social behavior (prosocialness, aggression, and victimization) in preschool children. Relationships among social skills and behaviors were also examined. Ninety-eight preschool children were administered standardized language measures and nine classroom teachers completed portions of social skill rating scales. Correlational and regression analyses examined relationships among social and language variables. Results indicate positive associations among both language and social skills and prosocial behavior but negative associations between language abilities and victimization. However, measured language skills were not significant predictors for reported prosocial behavior, aggression, or victimization. Based on current findings, we cannot expect language skills alone to predict engagement in negative social behaviors in preschool classrooms. While correlations among several variables exist, social skill competence, particularly empathy and assertion, better predicted engagement in perceived appropriate social interactions than language abilities. The relationship between language and social skills warrants continued investigation, especially as the complex interplay of language and social skill development unfolds in preschool classrooms. Early childhood education teams should continue to support contexts for facilitated language and social growth to aid positive social behaviors. (author abstract)

Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
United States

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