Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Use case: Using Cognitive ToyBox at home during Covid-19 school closures


In response to school closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) established a hotline to address urgent needs related to food, shelter, and mental health. Once health and safety concerns were addressed, the focus shifted to supporting students' educational development. However, remote learning presented challenges such as technology inequity and balancing parental responsibilities. Cognitive ToyBox developed CTB At Home to provide high-quality resources for families and children, as well as assessment and learning data for teachers. Study Goals: 1. To bridge the gap between at-home and in-class instruction in early childhood education. 2. To provide easy-to-use resources for families and children 3. To offer assessment data to inform instructional support and interventions. (author abstract)

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