Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Intergenerational perspectives on the use of relative-based early care and education relative-based ECE


The present study aims to address these gaps and understand 1) how access to different types of ECE relates to use of relative-based care as a primary source of ECE, and the extent to which this association varies, 2) quality of relative-based care, and 3) household employment and time use. To do so, we propose a novel approach by utilizing two sets of nationally representative survey data, each designed to capture the unique perspectives and experiences of individuals in early and middle adulthood (parents) and later adulthood (grandparents), respectively, thereby providing a more comprehensive understanding of the ECE landscape and the families navigating it. Secondary data allow us to answer questions on populations for which we cannot generate experimental studies; leveraging multiple datasets further addresses incompleteness or important gaps in individual surveys.

We aim to answer two interrelated questions:

  • Parents’ perspective (2019 National Survey of Early Care and Education (NSECE)). To what extent is access to relative-based and center- and home-based care associated with the use of relative-based care? To what extent does this relationship vary by perceptions of relative-based care quality and parent employment and time use?
  • Grandparents’ Perspective (2018 Health and Retirement Study (HRS)). To what extent is proximity to children and grandchildren (access) associated with the provision of ECE? To what extent does this relationship vary by quality of care grandparents are able to provide (i.e., their health) and their own employment and time use? (author abstract)
Resource Type:
Administration for Children and Families/OPRE Projects
Principal Investigator(s):
United States

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