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Colorado Preschool Development Grant Birth-Five


In 2018, Colorado was awarded a $5.8 million initial Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five (PDG B-5) initial grant requiring the completion of a comprehensive, statewide birth through five Needs Assessment of the current landscape of the early care and education mixed-delivery system, which resulted in Colorado Shines Brighter: Opportunities for Colorado’s Early Childhood System. 

To address the 12 key findings from the needs assessment, the Colorado Shines Brighter Strategic Plan outlines opportunities to maximize the availability of high-quality early care and education options for low-income and underserved families across providers and partners; improve the quality of care; streamline administrative infrastructure; and improve state-level early care and education funding efficiencies. Many of the strategies within the strategic plan will be implemented under the state's PDG B-5 Renewal Grant, providing $11,171,969 in funding per year for three years (2020-2022). In 2023, Colorado was granted a one-year no-cost-extension to complete activities initiated under the Renewal Grant. (author abstract)

Resource Type:
Administration for Children and Families/OPRE Projects
Principal Investigator(s):
United States
State(s)/Territories/Tribal Nation(s):

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