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Practice‐based coaching to improve culturally responsive practices in early childhood classrooms: A single‐case experimental design


An experimental analysis of a workshop plus practice‐based coaching (PBC) was conducted to enhance four early childhood educators' use of culturally responsive practices. A multiple baselinedesign across participants was used to examine the effects of a workshop and PBC on four early childhood teachers' use of culturally responsive practices, such as learning about children's home cultures and ensuring books reflect cultural diversity. A functional relation was established between the intervention and targeted culturally responsive practices for three of the four teachers. Descriptive findings suggested that particular culturally responsive practices were implemented at higher rates than others. School personnel viewed the goals, process, and outcomes of the workshop and PBC positively. Implications for practice and research are discussed, including the complex nature of providing coaching on the topic of culturally responsive practices in early childhood classrooms. Highlights: Three of four teachers increased their use of culturally responsive practices following a workshop and practice‐based coaching. Some culturally responsive practices were implemented at higher rates than others. Teachers reported that the workshop and practice‐based coaching involved appropriate goals, procedures, and a reasonable time commitment. (author abstract)

Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
United States

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