Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Teacher fidelity to Conscious Discipline and children’s executive function skills


Conscious Discipline is a social-emotional learning classroom management program that uses classroom activities and routines to teach children problem-solving skills and to foster a sense of safety in the classroom. According to the publishers of Conscious Discipline, the program is currently practiced in 47 countries and is widely implemented across the United States, including approximately 11,000 Head Start classrooms and 935 school districts (Loving Guidance Inc., 2018a). Although the increasingly popular Conscious Discipline program is based on theories of child development and neuroscience and proposes to influence children’s executive function (EF), social, and academic skills, longitudinal studies of Conscious Discipline implementation and children’s skills in these areas have not been conducted. To address this gap in the literature, we examined the association between preschool teachers’ (N = 45) fidelity to the Conscious Discipline program and students’ (N = 293) EF, social, and basic academic skills development over the course of the school year. (author abstract)

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Reports & Papers
United States

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