Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Evaluation of midlife educational attainment among attendees of a comprehensive early childhood education program in the context of early adverse childhood experiences


Question  Is exposure to early adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) associated with reduced midlife educational attainment, and if so, did participation in the Child-Parent Center (CPC) comprehensive Early Childhood Education (ECE) program attenuate these associations? Findings  In this cohort study of 1083 participants, early ACEs were significantly associated with reduced midlife educational attainment for the comparison group, but not for the CPC early intervention group. The CPC preschool program appeared to compensate for associations between ACEs and educational attainment; CPC attendees with early ACEs had similar educational trajectories to those of CPC attendees without early ACEs. Meaning  This study suggests that comprehensive ECE can be a scalable approach for promoting long-term educational success after early experiences of ACEs. (author abstract)

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Reports & Papers
United States
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