Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Geographic context and child outcomes: Associations with teachers’ job demands and resources and classroom quality in Head Start settings


The goals of this project are (a) to describe the distribution of ECE teachers’ job demands and resources across geographic context, (b) to understand the role of teachers’ job demands and resources in the association between geographic context and teacher beliefs (e.g., caregiving, staff attitudes), and (c) to examine direct and indirect associations between teacher collaborative practices and children’s outcomes via classroom quality. Using data from a sample of children and center-based providers within the NSECE, and children and teachers within FACES, I will address the following research questions: 1) What is the availability of resources, and teachers’ perceptions of related demands, across geographic contexts? (NSECE and USDA data) 2) When comparing Head Start and non-Head Start settings, what is the direct association between geographic context and teacher beliefs (e.g., caregiving, staff attitudes)? What is the direct and indirect association between geographic context and teacher beliefs (e.g., caregiving, staff attitudes) via teachers’ job demands and resources? Do teachers’ job demands and resources strengthen or attenuate the association between geographic context and teacher beliefs (e.g., caregiving, staff attitudes)? (NSECE data) 3) In Head Start settings, what is the direct association between teacher collaborative practices and teachers' perception of children's social-emotional and behavioral outcomes? What is the indirect association through classroom quality? (FACES data). (author abstract)

Resource Type:
Administration for Children and Families/OPRE Projects
Research Scholar(s):
United States

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